Thursday, March 08, 2007

Obama's AIPAC speech

Palestinian activist, Ali Abunimah gives a fascinating analysis of Barack Obama's recent speech to the America Israel PAC -- fascinating because he has observed Obama for about 10 years in Chicago politics. He talks about Obama's history interacting with Arab American constituents and his ultimate move to support Israel. I think Obama needs to address and explain this history, lest he look like an opportunist playing the political game like everyone else.

Abunimah essay is: "How Barack Obama learned to love Israel".

UPDATE: Apparently Obama's position is a little more nuanced than his earlier speech might indicate. M.J. Rosenberg offers up some commentary.

UPDATE 2: An article in The Jewish Week provides a more extensive background than Abunimah's article. It includes interviews with some of Obama's neighbors and
Professor Rashid Khalidi, who hosted a fund raiser for Obama back in the state senate days. (This is going to be a great election season!)

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