Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dobson goes after Cizik

If you have never heard of Rev. Richard Cizik, Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), you should look him up. At a time when many Evangelicals leaders were marching in lock step with the Republican party on issues of global warming and the Iraq war, it was refreshing to hear him speak for the rest of us. Cizik argues that stewardship of the earth is an important mandate for Christians. Some great Cizik interviews are at NPR's speaking of faith and fresh air programs.

Now James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and others are tired of hearing such a prominent figure in the NAE speak out against global warming. Christianity Today reports: they want him gone. They don't want him being the voice for Evangelicals. I guess they are worried the world will start to think Evangelicals are tree huggers. Here is a comment from a reader of the CT article:

It is a little hypocritical for Dobson and others to raise the alarm that Cizik's views might be construed as the views of all evangelicals. How often have Dobson and Falwell positioned themselves as the spokepersons for evangelical Christians? ... As an evangelical Christian opposed to Bush and concerned about global warming, I'm glad to *finally* hear the voice of someone with whom I can identify!

Well said!

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