If only it was this elegant in real life. This is Raul Midon:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Realistic Helen Keller
An actress gives her best impersonation of Helen Keller with hilarious results.
http://view.break.com/348904 - Watch more free videos
http://view.break.com/348904 - Watch more free videos
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
A business news analyst cries for help
The US economy is going to the toilet, cries this analyst. And he has inside information. I'm sure the casual watchers in all the serene business school foyers around the country were jolted by this outburst:
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Creative music video
With so many music videos out there, its a constant challenge to come up with interesting and different videos. Here's one from SIA:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Statistical Hunting
Joke of the day:
Three statisticians decide to go out hunting with their bows and arrows. They're sitting behind a large rock in the woods when a large duck flies by. The first statistician takes a shot from behind the rock and he undershoots the duck by 5 ft. The second statistician takes a shot at the duck, but overshoots the duck by 5 ft. At that, the third statistician jumps up and screams, "You got him!!"
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How to start a story
The journalist who wrote this was probably being very serious. But the circumstances of the case make it hard to start this story in a way that conveys anything but incredulity. From ABC News:
A Washington, D.C. law judge broke down in tears and had to take a break from his testimony because he became too emotional while questioning himself about his experience with a missing pair of pants.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
John Gray Comedian
Kirk Franklin welcomes comedian John Gray onto his show on Trinity Broadcasting Network. Pretty funny church humor.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Nigeria! Nigeria!
As Nigeria goes through its first civilian transfer of power -- with all the fears of instability and uncertainty for the future -- I think its a great time to look back to one of the great moments in Nigerian history: our soccer victory over Brazil in the 96 Olympic semifinals!
Some highlights:
For the uninformed, Nigeria went on to beat Argentina in the finals and win her most important Gold medal in an olympic games.
Some highlights:
For the uninformed, Nigeria went on to beat Argentina in the finals and win her most important Gold medal in an olympic games.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Complaining about Gas prices
Just heard this on the radio - a guy's excuse for not driving his girlfriend to the beach:
If I wanted to pay $4 for gas, I'd go buy a burrito.
Muhammad Ali
The great words of Muhammad Ali before his fight with George Foreman:
I rassled with a gator! Tussled with a whale! I murdered a rock! Injured a brick! I'm so mean, I make medicine sick!
Soccer for Philosophers
An old Monty Python skit about what happens when philosophers try to play soccer.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham
Flash back to the 60s. An agnostic talks to an evangelical. My how times have changed. Nowadays we have Bill O'Reilly.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Don't know if you have a brother... but this is what brotherhood is all about:
Happy Mothers day!
Happy Mothers day!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
MultithreadedTC is finally here
I've been working on this project for half the semester, and now it is finally released: on Google Code and at UMD. Bill Pugh will be mentioning this project during a presentation to a few hundred Java programmers at JavaOne, so we'll see how many downloads we get... and which of the bugs I've missed gets reported first.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Get some perspective
A British man was told by his doctor that he only has 12 months to live. So he does what we all would do given this grim news: he went on a spending spree! Quit his job, sold almost everything, went on holiday... the good stuff of life. The problem was at the end of the year, he was still alive, and the doctors admitted they misdiagnosed him: his sickness was benign. Good news or bad news? Well he's suing the doctor/hospital because he is totally broke!
Dallas Down... for now
After the devastating defeat of the Dallas Mavs, we are finding ways to keep ourselves humored. Some one suggested a new logo, posted at the Dallas Morning News Mavs Blog:

Friday, May 04, 2007
On my desktop
Just experimenting with DeviantArts new embed feature.
Dare to be different by ~digitalgod on deviantART
Dare to be different by ~digitalgod on deviantART
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunflow - Global Illumination
Check out this gallery of great images created with a ray tracing graphics engine. These are not photographs, they are a bunch of polygons and physics equations... more or less.
Godtube and its detractors
What happens when Christians try to set up their own Youtube, and allow ordinary christians to upload videos unedited by pastoral oversight? You get videos like this one:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Recognizing Beauty
If one of the worlds finest musicians stood in a Metro station near the US capital and played respected classical pieces, on a $3 million violin, wearing non-descript clothing, would anyone notice? The washington post experiments.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Guitar
And now for some great guitar solo work. First the short version:
Then the longer version:
Both are great if you like guitar solos.
Then the longer version:
Both are great if you like guitar solos.
Obama on Iraq, Gonzales etc.
Here's a good interview by Sen. Barack Obama. We need political, not primarily military solutions in Iraq. I think part of the reason for Gen. Petraeus' (new US commander) recent success in Iraq is his focus on some of the political issues (getting Prime Minister Maliki to meet with Sunnis, for example). Why do we need a culturally sensitive General to be the one coming up with the political solutions? Where are the diplomats and beurocrats?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Rumors of another world
Going back to one of my favorite online talks from one of my favorite authors/speakers. I've read a number of Philip Yancey's books but don't often get to hear him speak. Here he engages a post modern crowd like CS Lewis reached out to atheists.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Obama's AIPAC speech
Palestinian activist, Ali Abunimah gives a fascinating analysis of Barack Obama's recent speech to the America Israel PAC -- fascinating because he has observed Obama for about 10 years in Chicago politics. He talks about Obama's history interacting with Arab American constituents and his ultimate move to support Israel. I think Obama needs to address and explain this history, lest he look like an opportunist playing the political game like everyone else.
Abunimah essay is: "How Barack Obama learned to love Israel".
UPDATE: Apparently Obama's position is a little more nuanced than his earlier speech might indicate. M.J. Rosenberg offers up some commentary.
UPDATE 2: An article in The Jewish Week provides a more extensive background than Abunimah's article. It includes interviews with some of Obama's neighbors and Professor Rashid Khalidi, who hosted a fund raiser for Obama back in the state senate days. (This is going to be a great election season!)
Abunimah essay is: "How Barack Obama learned to love Israel".
UPDATE: Apparently Obama's position is a little more nuanced than his earlier speech might indicate. M.J. Rosenberg offers up some commentary.
UPDATE 2: An article in The Jewish Week provides a more extensive background than Abunimah's article. It includes interviews with some of Obama's neighbors and Professor Rashid Khalidi, who hosted a fund raiser for Obama back in the state senate days. (This is going to be a great election season!)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Nigeria 4.0
Just 8 years into her fourth attempt at democracy, it looks like Nigeria has moved forcefully into the internet age, complete with email campaigns, campaign websites, online donations, interactive sessions and you tube ads. I got this email from a candidate for Governor of Lagos:
And here is his you tube ad video:Dear concerned citizen,In the eight years ending May 2007, about Six Billion dollars, or two thirds of a trillion Naira (N600,000,000,000) would have been spent by the Lagos State Government.
My name is Jimi Agbaje, visit my website, www.jimiagbaje.com, and find out how I would spend that sort of money. While on the website you can join in our campaign, and personally take the first step to make Lagos Work!
Alternatively join me, at an interactive session on a New Thinking for a New Lagos, at 4.00 pm at The Lagoon, Ozumba Mbadiwe, Victoria Island, Lagos on Sunday, the 4th of March, 2007. Alternatively watch me live on AIT at 4pm local Nigerian television and DSTV satellite television.
Jimi Agbaje
Stop the presses
How is it that despite my effort to strive for high academic excellence, Jenna Bush (we're the same age) is going to be a published author before I am? (OK, technically my Masters thesis was published and there is (was) even a copy on Amazon.com -- but that's not being reported by the AP is it?)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Nasal Irrigation
No this is not a new degree at Texas A & M. Its an increasingly popular way to clean out your sinus and fight the cold. I should get this so I breathe fresher and gross out my friends. I can't watch the model in this demonstration video without laughing:
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Dobson goes after Cizik
If you have never heard of Rev. Richard Cizik, Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), you should look him up. At a time when many Evangelicals leaders were marching in lock step with the Republican party on issues of global warming and the Iraq war, it was refreshing to hear him speak for the rest of us. Cizik argues that stewardship of the earth is an important mandate for Christians. Some great Cizik interviews are at NPR's speaking of faith and fresh air programs.
Now James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and others are tired of hearing such a prominent figure in the NAE speak out against global warming. Christianity Today reports: they want him gone. They don't want him being the voice for Evangelicals. I guess they are worried the world will start to think Evangelicals are tree huggers. Here is a comment from a reader of the CT article:
Well said!
Now James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and others are tired of hearing such a prominent figure in the NAE speak out against global warming. Christianity Today reports: they want him gone. They don't want him being the voice for Evangelicals. I guess they are worried the world will start to think Evangelicals are tree huggers. Here is a comment from a reader of the CT article:
It is a little hypocritical for Dobson and others to raise the alarm that Cizik's views might be construed as the views of all evangelicals. How often have Dobson and Falwell positioned themselves as the spokepersons for evangelical Christians? ... As an evangelical Christian opposed to Bush and concerned about global warming, I'm glad to *finally* hear the voice of someone with whom I can identify!
Well said!
Cooking this week
This week, I treat the guys to Romagna Roast Potatoes. Nothing exciting. I chose it cause it looked simple enough. I wonder why it says "blend in tomatoes and garlic". Should that just be "add" tomatoes and garlic to the potatoes? "Blend in" conjures up images of a blender, which is confusing to a simple bachelor like me.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Nigeria stamps out guinea worm
According to this NPR story, Nigeria is close to stamping out the guinea worm. Guinea worm is a pretty gross disease. (Imagine a 2 ft parasitic worm living in your body, and eventually coming out slowly.) The thought of it always terrified me as a kid though I never had it. The Carter center is to be commended for the significant role it played in this.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Obama on Faith and Politics
This has been around for a while. A great speech on Faith and Politics last year here in DC.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
All those gay Nigerians
The BBC is reporting that the Nigerian house of representatives is trying to outlaw gay relationships. I guess they have solved all Nigeria's other major problems like violence in oil producing regions, or kidnappings, or poverty. And I guess this law is necessary since there is such an epidemic of homosexuality. (Really, if you are Nigerian, how many openly gay people have you ever met in Nigeria?)
I wonder if this is driven by politics -- after all, this kind of action will be popular. It would be unfortunate to see the same kind of divisive politics that was used to buy votes here in the US, being applied in Nigeria. Except this will not be divisive, since there are probably not many people who are going to oppose the bill. It will just be a tool for defeating the more free-thinking and/or intellectual politicians. (How do you explain your opposition to this bill to your constituents?)
Interestingly, this story is being picked up by American Christians (particularly Episcopals) in the light of the imminent breakup of the Anglican communion and the signifant role the Nigerian church is playing. And at least one American blogger is giving play-by-play commentary on the developing story.
Finally, it will be interesting to see which Nigerian politicians oppose this. The BBC article points out:
I wonder if this is driven by politics -- after all, this kind of action will be popular. It would be unfortunate to see the same kind of divisive politics that was used to buy votes here in the US, being applied in Nigeria. Except this will not be divisive, since there are probably not many people who are going to oppose the bill. It will just be a tool for defeating the more free-thinking and/or intellectual politicians. (How do you explain your opposition to this bill to your constituents?)
Interestingly, this story is being picked up by American Christians (particularly Episcopals) in the light of the imminent breakup of the Anglican communion and the signifant role the Nigerian church is playing. And at least one American blogger is giving play-by-play commentary on the developing story.
Finally, it will be interesting to see which Nigerian politicians oppose this. The BBC article points out:
The deputy chairman of the house committee on human rights Abdul Oroh says it was hypocritical of proponents of the bill to use morality and religion as basis for their arguments.
"We should not be hypocritical here. I think we should deal with this subject dispassionately. While we are trying to protect morals and values, we must also remember to protect people's rights even if they are a minority," Mr Oreh said at the public hearing.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Animusic Pipe Dream
I first saw this movie in a graduate Computer Graphics course. I was pleased to come across it again surfing on atomfilms.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Obama Interview in 2002
I think this is going to start circulating around the web. Here is an interview in 2002 (before the Iraq war) where Senate Candidate Barack Obama outlines his opposition to preemptive war. Another interesting thing is that he mentions the possibility of a Sunni-Shia conflict.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Graduating soon
I crossed the 102 million second mark... that is 102 million seconds before I graduate
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Obama in San Fransisco
Film maker zennie62 offers a little expose about Senator Barack Obama's visit at a Senator Barbara Boxer campaign event on Monday. Boxer spoke with her usual motherly passion: "When I look at him... I see in him what has worked right with America." But what was all that "Amen" and "Hallelujah" in the background about?!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Rethinking Ralph Nader
Robert Kuttner gives a positive review of the documentary An Unreasonable Man about Ralph Nader. He points out that long before Nader was blasted by liberals as an ego-centric presidential candidate who put Bush in the White House, he was an important advocate for consumer rights -- and the documentary does a balanced job of communicating this... makes me want to watch it. Democracy Now interviews Ralph Nader about the movie here.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Destiny: On the lot
Is this poetry? Is this a joke? Or just postmodern expression? The lines are somewhat blurry... but it is interesting anyway.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Soon to graduate
I've crossed the 103 million second mark in the countdown till my graduation (on natidea.com). I remember when it was over 104 million. I must be making progress!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Market Driven
Why is Sen. Barack Obama such a hot commodity right now? Conservatives like to say "Let the market decide". I suggest that Obamamania is a manifestation of this principle. The media isn't gushing over him (He's a rockstar) because of a "liberal bias". Its because he sells well (ratings, clips on YouTube). And maybe he can sell the US to an increasingly skeptical world.
For his supporters, it is an added bonus that he also has a good progressive record, a bipartisan streak, good leadership skills, good looks, good ideas, and all the other things people want in a president.
For his supporters, it is an added bonus that he also has a good progressive record, a bipartisan streak, good leadership skills, good looks, good ideas, and all the other things people want in a president.
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